1. What are Composite Primary Keys?
Sometimes a single column's value isn't enough to uniquely identify every row
of a table, and a combination of two or more columns is required.
This can be the case when using a legacy database schema without a single id
column as a primary key, or when altering schemas for sharding or multitenancy.
Composite primary keys increase complexity and can be slower than a single primary key column. Ensure your use-case requires a composite primary key before using one.
2. Composite Primary Key Migrations
You can create a table with a composite primary key by passing the
option to create_table
with an array value:
class CreateProducts < ActiveRecord::Migration[8.0]
def change
create_table :products, primary_key: [:store_id, :sku] do |t|
t.integer :store_id
t.string :sku
t.text :description
3. Querying Models
3.1. Using #find
If your table uses a composite primary key, you'll need to pass an array
when using #find
to locate a record:
# Find the product with store_id 3 and sku "XYZ12345"
irb> product = Product.find([3, "XYZ12345"])
=> #<Product store_id: 3, sku: "XYZ12345", description: "Yellow socks">
The SQL equivalent of the above is:
SELECT * FROM products WHERE store_id = 3 AND sku = "XYZ12345"
To find multiple records with composite IDs, pass an array of arrays to #find
# Find the products with primary keys [1, "ABC98765"] and [7, "ZZZ11111"]
irb> products = Product.find([[1, "ABC98765"], [7, "ZZZ11111"]])
=> [
#<Product store_id: 1, sku: "ABC98765", description: "Red Hat">,
#<Product store_id: 7, sku: "ZZZ11111", description: "Green Pants">
The SQL equivalent of the above is:
SELECT * FROM products WHERE (store_id = 1 AND sku = 'ABC98765' OR store_id = 7 AND sku = 'ZZZ11111')
Models with composite primary keys will also use the full composite primary key when ordering:
irb> product = Product.first
=> #<Product store_id: 1, sku: "ABC98765", description: "Red Hat">
The SQL equivalent of the above is:
SELECT * FROM products ORDER BY products.store_id ASC, products.sku ASC LIMIT 1
3.2. Using #where
Hash conditions for #where
may be specified in a tuple-like syntax.
This can be useful for querying composite primary key relations:
Product.where(Product.primary_key => [[1, "ABC98765"], [7, "ZZZ11111"]])
3.2.1. Conditions with :id
When specifying conditions on methods like find_by
and where
, the use
of id
will match against an :id
attribute on the model. This is different
from find
, where the ID passed in should be a primary key value.
Take caution when using find_by(id:)
on models where :id
is not the primary
key, such as composite primary key models. See the Active Record Querying
guide to learn more.
4. Associations between Models with Composite Primary Keys
Rails can often infer the primary key-foreign key relationships between
associated models. However, when dealing with composite primary keys, Rails
typically defaults to using only part of the composite key, usually the id
column, unless explicitly instructed otherwise. This default behavior only works
if the model's composite primary key contains the :id
column, and the column
is unique for all records.
Consider the following example:
class Order < ApplicationRecord
self.primary_key = [:shop_id, :id]
has_many :books
class Book < ApplicationRecord
belongs_to :order
In this setup, Order
has a composite primary key consisting of [:shop_id,
, and Book
belongs to Order
. Rails will assume that the :id
should be used as the primary key for the association between an order and its
books. It will infer that the foreign key column on the books table is
Below we create an Order
and a Book
associated with it:
order = Order.create!(id: [1, 2], status: "pending")
book = order.books.create!(title: "A Cool Book")
To access the book's order, we reload the association:
When doing so, Rails will generate the following SQL to access the order:
SELECT * FROM orders WHERE id = 2
You can see that Rails uses the order's id
in its query, rather than both the
and the id
. In this case, the id
is sufficient because the model's
composite primary key does in fact contain the :id
column, and the column is
unique for all records.
However, if the above requirements are not met or you would like to use the full
composite primary key in associations, you can set the foreign_key:
option on
the association. This option specifies a composite foreign key on the
association; all columns in the foreign key will be used when querying the
associated record(s). For example:
class Author < ApplicationRecord
self.primary_key = [:first_name, :last_name]
has_many :books, foreign_key: [:first_name, :last_name]
class Book < ApplicationRecord
belongs_to :author, foreign_key: [:author_first_name, :author_last_name]
In this setup, Author
has a composite primary key consisting of [:first_name,
, and Book
belongs to Author
with a composite foreign key
[:author_first_name, :author_last_name]
Create an Author
and a Book
associated with it:
author = Author.create!(first_name: "Jane", last_name: "Doe")
book = author.books.create!(title: "A Cool Book", author_first_name: "Jane", author_last_name: "Doe")
To access the book's author, we reload the association:
Rails will now use the :first_name
and :last_name
from the composite
primary key in the SQL query:
SELECT * FROM authors WHERE first_name = 'Jane' AND last_name = 'Doe'
5. Forms for Composite Primary Key Models
Forms may also be built for composite primary key models. See the Form Helpers guide for more information on the form builder syntax.
Given a @book
model object with a composite key [:author_id, :id]
@book = Book.find([2, 25])
# => #<Book id: 25, title: "Some book", author_id: 2>
The following form:
<%= form_with model: @book do |form| %>
<%= form.text_field :title %>
<%= form.submit %>
<% end %>
<form action="/books/2_25" method="post" accept-charset="UTF-8" >
<input name="authenticity_token" type="hidden" value="..." />
<input type="text" name="book[title]" id="book_title" value="My book" />
<input type="submit" name="commit" value="Update Book" data-disable-with="Update Book">
Note the generated URL contains the author_id
and id
delimited by an
underscore. Once submitted, the controller can extract primary key values from
the parameters and update the record. See the next section for more details.
6. Composite Key Parameters
Composite key parameters contain multiple values in one parameter.
For this reason, we need to be able to extract each value and pass them to
Active Record. We can leverage the extract_value
method for this use-case.
Given the following controller:
class BooksController < ApplicationController
def show
# Extract the composite ID value from URL parameters.
id = params.extract_value(:id)
# Find the book using the composite ID.
@book = Book.find(id)
# use the default rendering behaviour to render the show view.
And the following route:
get "/books/:id", to: "books#show"
When a user opens the URL /books/4_2
, the controller will extract the
composite key value ["4", "2"]
and pass it to Book.find
to render the right
record in the view. The extract_value
method may be used to extract arrays
out of any delimited parameters.
7. Composite Primary Key Fixtures
Fixtures for composite primary key tables are fairly similar to normal tables. When using an id column, the column may be omitted as usual:
class Book < ApplicationRecord
self.primary_key = [:author_id, :id]
belongs_to :author
# books.yml
author_id: <%= ActiveRecord::FixtureSet.identify(:lewis_carroll) %>
title: "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland"
However, in order to support composite primary key relationships,
you must use the composite_identify
class BookOrder < ApplicationRecord
self.primary_key = [:shop_id, :id]
belongs_to :order, foreign_key: [:shop_id, :order_id]
belongs_to :book, foreign_key: [:author_id, :book_id]
# book_orders.yml
author: lewis_carroll
book_id: <%= ActiveRecord::FixtureSet.composite_identify(
:alices_adventure_in_wonderland, Book.primary_key)[:id] %>
shop: book_store
order_id: <%= ActiveRecord::FixtureSet.composite_identify(
:books, Order.primary_key)[:id] %>