Ingests inbound emails from Mandrill.
Requires a mandrill_events
parameter containing a JSON array of Mandrill inbound email event objects. Each event is expected to have a msg
object containing a full RFC 822 message in its raw_msg
204 No Content
if an inbound email is successfully recorded and enqueued for routing to the appropriate mailbox -
401 Unauthorized
if the request’s signature could not be validated -
404 Not Found
if Action Mailbox is not configured to accept inbound emails from Mandrill -
422 Unprocessable Entity
if the request is missing required parameters -
500 Server Error
if the Mandrill API key is missing, or one of the Active Record database, the Active Storage service, or the Active Job backend is misconfigured or unavailable
- C
- H
Instance Public methods
create() Link
# File actionmailbox/app/controllers/action_mailbox/ingresses/mandrill/inbound_emails_controller.rb, line 20 def create raw_emails.each { |raw_email| ActionMailbox::InboundEmail.create_and_extract_message_id! raw_email } head :ok rescue JSON::ParserError => error logger.error error.message head :unprocessable_entity end